Welcome to Hero Highlight! We’re here to highlight the real life stories of people who are helping out, overcoming adversity or otherwise … [ Read More ]

Abdul Sattar Edhi, A Humble Man With A Huge Impact
There are things that we all hold dear to us. In many ways, it is the thing that you hold dear that forms your character. Perhaps that is … [Read More...]

Food Maven: The Restaurant and Farmer Haven
https://youtu.be/oXnun9ELf3k?rel=0 On a day to day basis food waste has become far too commonplace. We are reminded of this fact every time we have … [Read More...]

Wood Creek Dental Brings Dental Care to Ecuador
Dr. Dale Hunt and team travel to the remote village of Cebadas to help villagers with oral health For over 10 years, Dr. Dale Hunt of Wood Creek … [Read More...]

Doctor Sees Brighter Future for Orphans
Dr. Nasrin Mani Travels to Tijuana to Provide Eye Care to Girls in Orphanage It's not every day you get the opportunity to help a community in need. … [Read More...]

How Dylan Williams Survived a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
For many of us, life is a given – we need not question on a daily basis whether today will be our last. But, for some, that basic assumption is … [Read More...]

Kindness Program Brings Blogger Baskets, Joy to Hundreds
Hundreds of Cancer Patients Have Been Offered Gift Baskets by Bloggers Who Joined Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. “Kindness Program” Cancer is a … [Read More...]

Leftover Olympic Meals Help Feed the Hungry
Although the Summer Olympic Games are over, in some ways, their positive impact has continued. This year a program was created to feed Rio’s hungry … [Read More...]

World War II Vets Get Experience of a Lifetime
Louisville Law Firm Sponsors B-25 Flights to Honor WWII Veterans John Baker Wheatley Jr. holds ups a mobile phone while sitting in a wheelchair. His … [Read More...]

People Making a Difference: The “Justice Served” Award Nominees
You Should Know newsletter has recognized four people for their remarkable contributions to society, and we would like to recognize them as well. The … [Read More...]

Beating the Odds, When Survival Rates are 3 Out of 138
Sebastian DeLeon, 16, was taking a vacation with his family in Orlando Florida, when he suddenly suffered a migraine so intense that he could not … [Read More...]

Happy Period, Giving the Homeless Support in Ways Often Taken For Granted
There is so much that homeless men and women go without that we don’t realize is essential to human needs. For example, go to your bathroom and look … [Read More...]

Rio Refugee Team Spreads Hope
The 2016 Summer Olympic Games this year has provided a chance for a small group of ten refugees from several countries to compete. This feat was … [Read More...]